Mastering Operational Risk - Theory and practice in a Single Package
Build your skills in the Operational Risk quickly with this Master Level Course. Unique benefit - 6-month Complimentary Access To a Modern Risk Tool.
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Why Is This Course
Operational risk is perhaps the most significant risk organizations face. Virtually every major loss that has taken place during the past 30 years, from Enron, Worldcom and Baring's Bank to the unauthorized trading incident at Société Générale and the subprime credit crisis, has been driven by operational failures.
This course comes with both theoretical and practical tools to help you out and speed up your learning curve in this challenging environment.
Who Is This Course For?
The course is designed for both aspiring and active Risk officers, VPs, MDs, heads of departments, CFOs, CRO, analysts, operational and risk management staff from financial services industry – banks, insurance companies, pension funds, consultancies, software vendors operating in these sectors.
It will be also a perfect fit for interim risk managers and consultants who want to get up to speed with a new or current risk assignment.
It will be also useful for a risk manager operating in a nonfinancial sector.
About This Course
This is a very practical Online version of the complete 2-Day $2000 ORM Course that I teach in front of Senior Managers. The course covers all the key concepts of operational risk management from Risk Assessment to Methodology, Risk Mitigation, Measuring and Managing Operational Risk.
The course material includes workshops and special bonuses available only for students of this course.
At the end of each module there is a quiz that will let you know if you understood the concepts presented.
To cover all material, basic exercises and quizzes, a student will need approximately between 10 to 15 hours.
By the end of the course you will have an understanding of the wide range of aspects of Operational Risk such as Methodology, Risk Mitigation, Measuring and Managing Operational Risk. It will also help you understand Risk Models, Legal Risk, Emerging Challenges, Operational Risk Systems and Software.
Upon successful completion of all quizzes and exercises you will get a Certificate of Completion from Global Risk Academy
UNIQUE BENEFIT - Very Practical and Important BONUS
a 6-month Complimentary access to RISKID, the Enterprise level innovative Collaborative Risk Management software.
RISKID is a risk assessment tool for organizations and projects that allows full support in identifying, analyzing and assessing risks.
RISKID offers the possibility to monitor the risk analysis process and periodically make adjustments based on the latest developments and insights.
So you can start implementing your theoretical knowledge gained during your study of the course material in the practice, creating actual assessments, analyzing and monitoring your risks.
The clients include such large and diverse customers like Arcadis, ProRail, Erazmus University and more.
RISKID is very flexible. It can be configured to support various risk management standards, such as ISO 31000, RISMAN, COSO, INK-model, FMEA, HSSE, PRINCE2 or Solvency II.
Bonus #1. Risk Self-Assessment Exercise
Bonus #2. Examples of KRIs or Key Risk Indicators for a Process
Bonus #3. From ORM Toolkit - Risk Inventory Template
Bonus #4. Crisis Management Plan
Bonus #5. Glossary of ORM terminology
Bonus #6. Operational Risk Management Plan Template - New Bonus!
Bonus #7. A practical example of LDA and capital under AMA -
Bonus #8. Management guide for fighting cyber predators -
- Explore how to create the best ORM framework that suits your organization
- Evaluate different risk measurements techniques
- Interpret the regulatory impact and requirements for risk management and capital
- Utilise and Incorporate new technology, soft issues
Course Curriculum
StartORM Course. Training Slides. Day 1
StartQuiz 1
StartORM Course. Training Slides. Day 2
StartQuiz 2
StartORM Course. Designing ORM Framework - Workshop
StartIntroduction to Collaborative Risk Management from RISKID
StartRisk assessment assignment with RISKID
StartWorkshop With RISKID - Mastering Operational Risk. Theory and Practice in A Single Package (65:25)
StartHelp Document 1. Intake checklist for proper RISKID session setup
StartHelp Document 2. Sample invitation mail - Brainstorm
StartHelp Document 3. Sample Invitation Mail Risk Scoring
StartHelp Document 4. Risk workshop agenda - half day session
StartORM Course. Bonus 1: RCSA or Risk Self Assessment Exercise of a Process
StartORM Course. Bonus 2. Examples of KRIs or Key Risk Indicators for a Process
StartORM Course. Bonus 3. From ORM Toolkit - Risk Inventory Template
StartORM Course. Bonus 4. Crisis Management Plan
StartORM Course. Bonus 5: ORM Glossary
StartORM Course Bonus 6 Operational Risk Management Plan Template
StartORM Course Bonus 7. A practical example of LDA and capital allocation under AMA7
StartORM Course Bonus 8. Management guide for fighting cyber predators
Your Instructor
Founder at Global Risk Community, Global Risk Academy and creator of B2B Pioneers platform
More than 30 years of global experience in working with large & medium corporations in Europe, the Middle East and Asia Pacific across multiple sectors including Financial Services, IT, Consulting, Manufacturers and Distributors.
Speaker and panelist in the world's leading professional events.
Specialties: Risk management systems, social networking for business consultancy, management reporting, policies and procedures, banking, corporate & Trust and hedge fund industry, consulting and coaching.
MY VISION: Good risk management should facilitate business growth by understanding the risks involved and managing them to acceptable levels, rather than seeking to prevent new initiatives.
MY MISSION: to help clients successfully increase revenue, manage risk and regulatory change, reduce costs and enhance control.
The Outline.
Factors Influencing the Importance of Operational Risk
- Market consolidation and competition
- The complexity of IT systems
- Basel II and risk capital allocation pressures
- Risks posed by complex financial products
- ORM Life cycle
Identifying and Classifying Operational Risk Categories
Operational Risk components explained
Corporate Loss Database
Risk Self Assessments
Key Risk indicators
Economic Capital
Workshop : Developing operational risk management framework
- Objectives of operational risk management
- Responsibilities
- Developing a risk awareness culture
- Developing operational risk management procedures
- Operational risk management techniques
- Self assessment
- Benchmarking
- Allocating operational risk costs
Understanding the Risk Impact
- What is measured and how
- What not to measure
- The interpretation of information
- Capital allocation assumptions
- Capital adjustment policies
Exercise: Analysing a situation
- Identifying potential risks
- Identifying killer risks
- Identifying the cause of the risk situations
- Business continuity and recovery plan
Generic Approaches
- Business Continuity Management
- Insurance
- Risk profiles mapping
- Straight Through Processing (STP)
- Processes and controls
- Fraud detection
Soft Issues
- Building risk awareness culture
- Building consensus on risk allocation policies
- Building sense of responsibility for risk reduction
Additional Feature #1: Course Software That Keeps You On Track
The course software is very easy to use. It tracks your progress for you, allowing you to come back right where you left off. This keeps you organized and helps you focus your time on learning.
You can access the course anytime, from any device. Watch the presentations,videos and downloadable materials on any tablet or smartphone.
Additional Feature #2: Ability to collaborate with both author and other students, ask questions and make comments.
Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed
Our goal is to help you become a better Risk Manager so you can take your career to the next level.
I want you to use this course as a resource for continued learning. If you take the course and are not satisfied with what you learned, you can get a full refund.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed by our 100% money-back guarantee refund policy.
What Others Are Saying
" I found the Mastering Operational Course both very refreshing and practical. It touches all major aspects of Modern Operational Risk and also provides very advancing tools to implement the theory in practice. With regards to the practical case studies, I found that the ability to conduct assessments using different approaches and standards is very useful. I was able to configure the tool to support various risk management standards, such as ISO 31000, RISMAN and COSO that I use often in my consultancy practice"
- Robert Simon, Managing Director, Risk Advisor
What Others Are Saying
"Risk Management is a major issue and challenge, which continues to impact global industries and financial markets today. The 'Mastering Operational Risk Management’ course provided a comprehensive blueprint and detailed framework for addressing the major issues related to operational risk management. The training emphasized the importance of controls and the adverse impact on an enterprise when there is a lack of or inappropriate risk management. Financial institutions and banks were the key focus, but the course is applicable across global industries.
The 'Mastering Operational Risk Management’ training reflected Mr. Agranovich's extensive risk management knowledge and expertise that was demonstrated through the high-level structured course, quizzes and detailed appendices that demonstrated the scope of operational risk management activities and provided tools to manage the enterprise risk. I recommend all taking this valuable and extremely informative course.
- Sandra D. King, Global Business Consultant, Ph.D. Technology Candidate
What Others Are Saying
"Boris has an incredible grasp of his specialist area of Risk Assessment and adds creative and engaging presentations, so they are accessible to the majority of people who don't share his depth of expertise. In management of this large and effective group, Boris has been not only very professional, but extremely responsive to inquiries of the GlobalRisk Community members who use this group. "
- Marijana Curguz , Head of Local Task Force Rehabilitation at Hypo Alpe-Adria-Bank d.d.
Frequently Asked Questions
By enrolling in this course you will:
- Understand and utilise current best practices
- Gain practical experience in Risk Assessment, Analysis and Monitoring during your 6-months complimentary trial of the modern Risk Management Tool - RISKID
Once you join, you'll have lifetime access to a completely self-paced online course available on any device. You can decide what content you want to start with, when you'd like to start and when you'd like to finish. You will also get all future updates that we will regularly provide.