Understanding Your Cyber Exposures
Provides you with a framework and understanding of the wide range of cyber exposures as well as awareness of some tools to address and manage them.
About This Course
Cyber Exposure is defined as the vulnerabilities created when we use computer and network technology. All too often the focus is strictly on the technical issues and exposures arising from the use of Social Media or the Internet of Things (IoT) are ignored.
These and many others can create cyber vulnerabilities for the organization that go unrecognized until they create major problems. By taking this course you will gain an awareness of the wide range of exposures that exist and how to identify and manage them.
The course is broken into six modules each less than 10 minutes in duration to allow it to fit into busy schedules.
At the end of each module there is a 10 question quiz that will let you know if you understood the concepts presented.
By the end of the course you will have an understanding of the wide range of cyber exposures that can arise from the use of technology and networks as well as awareness of some tools to address and manage them.
Who This Course Is For?
The course is designed for all who have an interest, or concern, regarding cyber threats to gain a broader view and understand that cyber threats are not just a technical issue. This is not a course in how to best create firewalls.
- Board members and C level executives could certainly gain in having a broader understanding of the threats their organization faces.
- IT managers and staff would gain an understanding of the wide range of threats their organizations face and the need to reach across the organization to communicate and assist.
- Cyber threat practitioners can gain by having additional information that will assist their efforts in gaining support and resources.
If you are concerned that your organization is approaching cyber threats in a comprehensive manner and not just playing cyber wack-a-mole, this course is for you.
New Update - 2020
Leveraging Covid-19's impact in support of your cyber security
Previous Updates
Self-Assessment of your organization’s cyber exposures
Take the first steps in understanding your organization's potential cyber exposure. Answer 12 multiple choice questions and you will get feedback using the scoring summary.
Self-Assessment of your personal cyber exposures
You want to know your cyber exposure. We can tell you it is probably more than you think and way more than you would like. The 10 questions each view a different aspect of your cyber behaviour so it won’t take long.
Your Instructor
Doug Nagan has over fifty years experience in computer and information technology. Currently he is working with clients on projects involving business and IT strategic issues. He most recently created, with a Philadelphia law firm, Kleinbard LLC, a family of cyber risk exposure management protocols.
The protocols, Frigate for general business use, and Summa for higher educational institutions, provide a strategic overview of organizations' cyber risk exposures with recommendation for appropriate actions to address the potential risks.
Doug has assisted clients, including the U.S. Air Force, assess risks in manufacturing, finance, IT and supply chains. Results have included direct savings of over $100 million and the avoidance of potential risks of equivalent value through assessment of existing operational and implementing suggested improvements.
His experience includes: business analysis, business continuity, information technology, merger consolidation, operations and process improvement, project and program management, risk assessment and management, and sourcing strategy. Clients range from start-ups to Global 25 corporations across eight industries.
Doug founded Nagan Research Group in 2009 to pursue research in cyber risk. In 1992, Doug founded and led International Resource Management, Inc. for 16 years to provide high level strategic guidance to corporate clients and to pursue the development of several technologies that he had invented. He currently holds U.S. Patent 5,818,400 for a new display technology.
Prior to 1992, Doug held executive positions in John Wiley & Sons, The Boston Company and Commercial Union.
Education: BS in Electrical Engineering – Lafayette College
MBA course work – New York University
Life Member IEEE and The Computer Society
Publications: eERM – effective Enterprise Risk Management 2011 ISBN 978-1460980446; eCEM –effective Cyber Exposure Management 2012 ISBN 978-1478183785; The Case for a National Preparedness Standard and Metric, presented at the IEEE-HST conference in May 2007
Course Curriculum
PreviewModule 1 – Introduction – Introduces and defines the basic concepts used in Understanding Cyber Exposure
StartModule 2 – Identifying vulnerabilities Part 1 – Goes into detail regarding the cyber exposure to be found in Cyber Activities, Privacy, Computer/Network Systems, Legal, and Security Policies and Procedures.
StartModule 3 – Identifying vulnerabilities Part 2 - Goes into detail regarding the cyber exposure to be found in Social Media, Compliance, Cloud Computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
StartModule 4 – Determining Impact and Likelihood – Provides a framework for the two key measures (Impact and Likelihood) needed to manage and communicate the cyber exposures found.
StartModule 5 – Triage, Priorities and Management – Provides key management processes to address the cyber exposures found
StartModule 6 – Course Summary – Summarizes the material presented in the course.
StartQuiz Module 1
StartQuiz Module 2
StartQuiz Module 3
StartOquiz Module 4
StartQuiz Module 5
StartQuiz Module 6
Recent Results
"The course was very useful and I have a much better and clearer understanding of cyber risk exposure. It is well presented and hits all the right notes. A good framework which I will be incorporating into our bank branch in Australia"
- Vijay Poobathy, Risk & Compliance Office, Australia
Recent Results
"Thank you! I found the course to be a great introduction to cyber exposure so it was definitely worth getting the course bundle. This course is very useful for a someone who is a new grad or an intern and is entering the workforce. Was a pleasure to take."
- Melanie Dyer, Computer Security student at York University."